Things I’ve Learned in China

Yesterday I went out to eat at this nice noodle place like I said in the Rolex post, I was happy with my new watch and hungry too. The food was interesting as I stated, but seemed high quality and tasty. During the night I kept waking up, uncomfortable, and woke up never feeling sicker in my life, I’m assuming now it was the food, but I still am not sure. I headed to school but couldn’t learn, so headed to a different office to sleep, and slept the whole day, at dinner I wasn’t even remotely hungry, but now I’m feeling better and ready to jump back in to learning and enjoying the culture.

One response to “Things I’ve Learned in China

  1. Can we request blog posts? I’d like one about your “regular day”. When are you waking up? Do you have breakfast? How do you get to school? How many kids in your class? Things you probably aren’t even noticing now!

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